The Riverwood Athletic Association (RAA) is committed to developing teams at all levels and supports Varsity, Junior Varsity, and freshmen teams at the school.
Middle School Junior (Feeder) Raider programs are not organized or financially supported by the RAA due to Fulton County Board of Education policies; however, the RAA believes successful programs are important at all levels.
The RAA works with each of its high school teams to develop strong relationships with Junior Raider programs. Establishing structure, support and styles of play that are seamless from the Varsity level down to Junior (feeder) level will allow all teams to benefit from continuity and consistency on and off the field.
Baseball Junior Raiders: Visit
Basketball Junior Raiders: Visit
Football Junior Raiders: Visit
Boys Lacrosse Junior Raiders: Contact one of the members of the Board of Directors: Katie Arney (, or Richard Kopelman